1·If we are always afraid of our mistakes, Krishna will save us from all such misgivings and even if we imperceptibly commit some mistake, He will forgive us.
2·It is bad to commit a mistake, but it is far worse to cling to it.
3·Secondly, we should remind the supervision of the people around not to commit such a mistake.
4·Lure a phrase becomes a very what a mess phrase, the reason that the person will commit crime, make a mistake, all is lure this thing to be play tricks.
5·Everyone will commit one or two mistake during their work.
6·Recovering lost data or undoing incorrect, committed changes. For example, if you mistakenly delete or update rows, and then commit them, you can immediately undo the mistake.
7·They also think that corporal punishment teaches the culprit not to commit the same mistake again.
他们亦相信 「体罚」可以教导犯错者不再重蹈覆辙。
8·Apologize when you commit a mistake or a blunder.
9·Otherwise we should commit a serious mistake.
10·After what seemed an eternity the officers seemed to realise that they had made a mistake, acknowledging that I was a footballer with a Premiership club and not someone preparing to commit a crime.